
Information for parents

Erin's Law – Gavin's Law

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SCDE Health Education Materials

At Summit Academy of SC, we prioritize transparency and compliance with the South Carolina health and sex education standards outlined in Proviso 1.41 and Proviso 1.48. 

These provisos emphasize the importance of providing comprehensive health education, reproductive health education, and family life education that aligns with the regulations set by the South Carolina State Board of Education.

Proviso 1.41 mandates that each school district publishes on its website the title and publisher of all health education materials approved, adopted, and used in the classroom. We want to assure you that we adhere to this requirement diligently, making all relevant information readily accessible to parents and the community.

Proviso 1.48 reinforces the commitment to compliance by stipulating that districts must utilize curriculum aligning with Chapter 32, Title 59, and meeting all standards set by the South Carolina State Board of Education. Additionally, districts failing to comply may face consequences, including the withholding of funds.

We are proud to share that Summit Academy employs a curriculum created in-house, ensuring that our teaching materials meet and exceed the mandated standards. Our commitment to excellence extends to the publication of approved materials on our website, providing you with the transparency you deserve.